Sheriff Department
(701) 377-2311
For Emergency Dial 911
Mailing Address
PO Box 250
Bowbells, ND 58721
Public Dance Permit
Liquor License Transfer/Special Permit
Voluntary Witness Statement Form
The AMBER Plan is a voluntary partnership between law enforcement agencies and broadcasters to activate an urgent bulletin in serious child abduction cases. Broadcasters use the Emergency Alert System (EAS), to air a description of the abducted child and suspected abductor. This is the same concept used during severe weather emergencies.
The goal of the AMBER Alert is to instantly galvanize the entire community to assist in the search for and safe return of the child.
1. The abduction involves a child or children 17 years of age or younger;
2. Confirmation by local law enforcement of a stranger or a family abduction in which the child is believed to be in grave danger of serious bodily harm or death; and,
3. Descriptive information about the child, the abductor, and/or suspect's vehicle to assist with the safe recovery of the victim and/or the apprehension of the suspect.
4. Is there enough information about the child, suspect, and/or suspect's vehicle to believe an immediate broadcast alert will help?
BLUE Alert
Blue Alerts are issued when a law enforcement officer in the line of duty has been killed, seriously injured or is missing; or credible threats of serious injury have been made. Blue alerts can warn the public if a violent suspect is nearby, the type of vehicle (if any) they were last seen in and what civilians should do if they spot the suspect.
The Blue Alert network provides the means of quickly identifying, pursuing and capturing violent offenders who have hurt, killed or pose an imminent danger to law enforcement.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)added the Blue Alert to the nation's emergency alerting systems. With the creation of a dedicated Blue Alert event code in the Emergency Alert System, state and local law enforcement have the capability to push immediate warnings out to the public via broadcast, cable and satellite providers as well as to consumer smartphones through the Wireless Emergency Alert system.
Wandering is one of the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, which currently affects at least 5.2 million Americans. The Alzheimer's Foundation estimates that at least 60 percent of them-3 million people-are likely to wander in the course of their disease. Further statistics indicate that, among people with dementia who wander, at least 50 percent could suffer serious injury or die if they remain missing for more than 24 hours.
Time is of the essence when individuals with Alzheimer's or other cognitive disorders wander off or become lost. The Silver Alert Program was developed to provide vital information to authorities to assist in the search and safe recovery of these individuals and quickly reunite them with their loved ones and/or caregivers.
Modeled after the Amber Alert, the Silver Alert is an emergency system which law enforcement can use to disseminate statewide alerts for missing seniors and/or other adults with Alzheimer's or other cognitive disorders.
On a local level, the Silver Alert System works much like the Amber Alert. The missing person incident is reported to the local police. Personal health information may be necessary and it should show that the person (age 60 or older) suffers from dementia or is otherwise mentally impaired. Relatives should also provide other details that would help in tracking down the missing senior. After verification, the local police inform the state agency tasked to issue alerts.
PORTAL $28.00
FLAXTON $13.00
LIGNITE $23.00
LARSON $37.00
CROSBY $56.00
STANLEY $40.00
MOHALL $36.00
KENMARE $36.00Service of Summons, Complaints, Civil Subpoenas, Order of Repletion, any Notice of Court Orders, Injunctional Orders, Citations, Evictions, Notice of Hearings, or other Mesne Process is a $30.00 service fee plus mileage.
If you have questions reference an autopsy, contact:
North Dakota State Forensic Examiner's Office
2637 East Main Ave
Bismarck, ND 58501
Phone: 701-328-6138
Fax: 701-328-6228Are all cases accepted by the Forensic Examiner's Office autopsied?
No. Autopsies are conducted for a variety of reasons, including documentation of injuries or determination of the cause of death. Some cases may receive certain forensic tests combined with external examination of the body in lieu of an autopsy. The decision whether an autopsy will be performed is at the discretion of the pathologist.
Can I prevent an autopsy from taking place?
The legal next-of-kin should inform the Forensic Examiner’s Office of any objection they may have to an autopsy being performed. The Forensic Examiner's Office is sensitive to the needs of the family and will seriously consider their objection; however, in many cases, an autopsy is required by law, and we will be unable to comply with the family's request.
Is there a charge for a forensic examiner autopsy?
No. The costs for autopsies performed under the forensic examiner system are paid by North Dakota tax dollars. The costs do not include funeral, burial, or cremation expenses.
Where may the deceased personal property be located?
In most cases, the property on the deceased is transported to the Forensic Examiner's Office with the body. The personal property is inventoried, stored, and provided to the funeral home at the time the body is released. On occasion, personal property may be retained by law enforcement as evidence. In this case, contact the appropriate law enforcement agency that investigated the death.
Where do I obtain a copy of the death certificate?
Copies of death certificates can be obtained from:
Vital Records Unit
ND Health and Human Services
600 East Boulevard, Department 325
Bismarck, ND 58505-0250.
Phone: 701-328-2360.Obtaining a death certificate can typically take 4 -6 weeks.
Can I obtain a copy of the autopsy report?
In cases where the manner of death is not homicide, copies will be prepared upon written request and no charge to the decedent’s personal representative and to the decedent's spouse, child, or parent. Homicide cases will be released only with the written approval of the appropriate States Attorney. The written request must include the decedent's full name, date of birth, date of death, your name and relationship to the decedent, and an address where the report should be sent.
How long does it take to receive an autopsy report?
Each autopsy process and report turnaround time are different. Some autopsy reports may be completed and ready for release anywhere from 4-8 weeks; others may take longer than eight weeks. In some cases, where an extended time is required (more than eight weeks), several variables may be influencing the delay of the final autopsy report and can include:
The types of tests required and their associated processing times.
The complexity of the individual case.
Whether there is an ongoing police investigation is in progress.
Next of kin can contact the medical examiner's office directly to receive a tentative timeline of reports.
Can I obtain a copy of the police report?
You will need to contact the law enforcement agency that investigated the case. If the case is closed, you will be able to obtain a copy. If the case is open/active, you will have to wait until the case is officially closed.
Fingerprinting by appointment only. To schedule an appointment, please call 701-377-2311. No walk-ins please.
The Burke County Sheriff's Department will provide fingerprinting services which include, but are not limited to Concealed Weapons Permits, Teacher Licensure, Student Teacher Background Checks, Nursing Licensure, Nursing Student Background Checks, Social Work Internships, Social Work Licensure, Medical Licensure, Certified Nursing Assistant, Certified Medical Assistant, Housing Assistance Background Checks, Federal Background Checks, Out of State Background Checks, All State Employees to include State Colleges and Universities, HazMat.
We ask that you bring any paperwork you’ve received regarding the required fingerprints and some form of identification.
Driver’s License Status Check
North Dakota Roads Travel Map
Traffic Accidents
What are the reporting requirements if I’ve been involved in a traffic accident?
A traffic accident report will be taken by the Fargo Police Department when one of the following reporting criteria is met:
A person involved in the traffic collision has been injured (complaining of pain is considered injury) or dies.
One of the drivers is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
One of the drivers has fled the location without stopping to exchange information or check on the welfare of the other parties involved.
City property is involved (city vehicle, light post, signal light, etc.).
Damage to values $4,000 or greater.
How do I make a traffic accident report?
Any person involved in a traffic collision, that meets the criteria, may call dispatch to have an officer respond or the parties can exchange information and can come into the police station to make a report. The report should be made as soon as possible. The person reporting the collision needs to bring along the following information:
The time and location (street address/cross streets) where the collision occurred.
The license plate number of the vehicle he or she was driving when they were involved in the traffic collision.
Driver's license
Insurance information (name of the insurance company and their policy number)
The names, addresses, and phone numbers of all passengers in their vehicle.
The license plate numbers, names, addresses, and phone numbers of all other involved drivers and passengers.
What happens if I leave the scene of an accident?
It is a crime when you don't stop to exchange required information with the other driver(s) or take reasonable steps to locate the owner of property that was damaged in an accident. You must stop your vehicle at the scene of the accident, or as close to it as possible, and remain there until all drivers have exchanged information. This information includes names and addresses, insurance policy carriers (for the driver and the owner), vehicle license plate numbers, and driver’s license numbers. If the accident involves an injury or death, the penalty for leaving the scene is more severe. Accidents involving an injury or total damage greater than $4,000 must be reported to the police.
How can I obtain a copy of an accident report?
The Burke County Sheriff’s Office no longer processes requests for accident reports. For an official copy of a crash report, go to the link below request a crash report through the North Dakota Department of Transportation. Crash reports cost $7.00
Traffic Citations
How do I pay a traffic citation?
The "bond" amount is the amount of your fine and is located on the front of your citation. Bond must be received within 14 days of the issue of the citation.
Failure to post or forfeit bond within 14 days shall be a class B misdemeanor.
Pay Online: Visit
By Phone: Call 701-377-2718
By Mail: Please make your check or money order payable to Burke County and enclose the citation with payment. Payments must be received before the due date to avoid additional penalties. DO NOT MAIL CASH. Mail to the address below.
Burke County Clerk of Court
PO Box 219
Bowbells, ND 58721In Person: Make a payment in person at the Burke County Courthouse, located at 103 Main St. SE, Bowbells, ND between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
The Burke County Sheriff’s Office wants its citizens to stay safe while operating online. There are new scams appearing almost daily through the internet. The Sheriff’s Office offers cyber safety courses for youth through the schools within Burke County.
Internet Safety
Burke County’s young people spend much of their leisure time online. The internet can be a wonderful learning and social tool, but it can also expose unsuspecting children to the criminal element and make them targets for abduction or abuse. We encourage parents to review these simple guidelines with their children.
DO keep your personal information (last name, password, address, phone number) private.
DO stop what you are doing and tell a trusted adult if something online makes you uncomfortable.
DO avoid arguments with online bullies.
DON’T meet in person with online-only friends.
DON’T become an online bully by being abusive to others.
DON’T open email/message or download files from people you don’t know
Internet Safety Resources
Identity Theft Can Occur….
In public places, criminals may engage in shoulder surfing, watching you from a nearby location as you punch in your personal identification number (PIN) or credit card number.
When you use your debit or credit card at a business that provides open Wi-Fi to customers, criminals can access your information.
Some criminals engage in dumpster diving, going through your garbage cans or commercial dumpsters to obtain copies of your checks, credit card or bank statements or other records that may bear your name, address or telephone number.
Criminals may simply steal your wallet or purse.
Criminals may open up a new credit card account, using your name, date of birth and social security number. When they use the credit card and don’t pay the bills, the delinquent account is reported on your credit report.
Criminals may pilfer bank statements, credit card statements or pre-approved credit card applications from your mailbox.
Ways to Protect Your Identity
Dispose of your personal information properly. Shred unwanted copies of credit card receipts and loan applications before you discard them.
Don’t carry your passport, birth certificate or your social security card with you. Don’t give out your social security number to anyone and don’t put it on your checks.
Don’t give out any personal information on the phone unless you are absolutely certain it is for a legitimate purpose.
Obtain a copy of your credit report annually and check it for errors.
Be aware of skimming devices that are attached to ATM and credit card readers at gas pumps. If it looks as if a device has been attached, alert the bank or store personnel.
Don’t be bullied. Some scammers will call you acting like someone from a company or bank you do business with. They will try to scare you by telling you about unauthorized withdrawals or purchases. If they ask you for personal information or for money, that is a red flag!
Already a Victim of Identity Theft?
When dealing with authorities and financial institutions, keep a log of all conversations, including dates, names and phone numbers. Confirm conversations in writing. Send correspondence by certified mail – return receipt requested. Keep copies of all correspondence.
File a report with your local law enforcement agency and provide as much documented evidence as possible. Obtain a copy of the report and the name and telephone number of your fraud investigator. Provide it to creditors and others who require verification of your case.
Immediately contact the fraud units of the main credit reporting companies.
Contact all creditors immediately, with whom your name has been used fraudulently, by phone and in writing. Obtain replacement cards with new account numbers for those that have been fraudulently used. Ask that old accounts be processed as “account closed at consumer’s request.” Carefully monitor your mail and credit card bills for evidence of new fraudulent activity. Report such fraudulent activity immediately to credit grantors.
Social Security Number Misuse
Call the Social Security Administration (SSA) to report fraudulent use of your social security number at (800) 269-0271. The SSA will only change it if you fit the fraud victim criteria. Be sure to order a copy of your Social Security Earnings and Benefits Statement and check it for accuracy. For more information, contact the Federal Trade Commission.
Tips to Protect Your Property
Consider installation of a professional, monitored, registered alarm system and/or cameras.
While out of town, have mail and newspaper delivery postponed or ask a neighbor to pick it up regularly.
Proper lighting of your house and surrounding yard/driveway is crucial to preventing a break-in.
While on vacation, attach interior lamps to automatic on/off switch system.
“Beware of Dog” signs are a great deterrent – so is an actual dog!
Landscape under first-floor windows using thorny plants such as rose and holly bushes.
Don’t forget – an unlocked car or house is a crime of opportunity. Don’t give thieves that opportunity! Remove your valuables from your vehicle and secure your vehicle, home, and property.
The Sheriff’s Office is not involved in the issuance of orders of any kind.
A restraining order or protective "no contact" order is an order used by a court to protect a person or entity, and the general public, in a situation involving alleged domestic violence, harassment, stalking or sexual assault.
"No Contact" Order
A "no contact" order can only be issued by a judge against someone who has been arrested for a domestic violence offense. This order is placed on the arrested person at his or her very first court appearance, prior to being released from custody.
Domestic violence is physical harm, bodily injury, sexual activity compelled by physical force, assault or the infliction of fear of imminent physical harm, bodily injury, sexual activity compelled by psychical force, or assault, not committed in self-defense, on the complaining family or household members.
Any spouse or former spouse, a family member, a parent, a child, a person related by blood or marriage, a person presently residing with the abusing person or who has resided with that person in the past, a person who has a child in common with the abusing person, persons who are in a dating relationship or any other person with sufficient relationship to the abusing person as determined by the Court.
According to the North Dakota Century Code 12.1-31.2-02, an individual who violates a court order issued under this section is guilty of a class A misdemeanor. A law enforcement officer shall arrest an individual without a warrant if the officer determines there is probable cause that the individual has committed the offense of violating an order prohibiting contact under this section, whether or not the violation was committed in the presence of the officer.
Disorderly Conduct Restraining Order
Any adult person who is a victim of disorderly conduct or the parent or guardian of a minor who is a victim of disorderly conduct can consult with a private attorney who can help the person get a restraining order.
Disorderly conduct is any intrusive or unwanted acts, words or gestures that are intended to adversely affect the safety, security or privacy of another person. Disorderly conduct includes human trafficking or attempted human trafficking as defined in Title 12.1 of the North Dakota Century Code. Disorderly conduct does not include constitutionally protected activity.
Disorderly Conduct Restraining Order Instructions
Domestic Violence Protection Order
Any spouse or former spouse, a family member, a parent, a child, a person related by blood or marriage, a person presently residing with the abusing person or who has resided with that person in the past, a person who has a child in common with the abusing person, persons who are in a dating
relationship, or any other person with sufficient relationship to the abusing person as determined by the Court should file for a domestic violence protection order.Sexual Assault Restraining Order
Any adult person who is a victim of sexual assault; or the parent, step-parent, or guardian of a minor child (under 18 years of age) who the parent, step-parent, or guardian reasonably believes is a victim of sexual assault should apply for the sexual assault restraining order.
You have certain rights as a victim of a crime. In order to assert these rights, please visit Vine, select “North Dakota” and click “Assert Your Rights.” You can also call the prosecuting attorney pending where your case falls, city or state.
For more information, please visit Marsy's Law.
North Dakota’s open records laws make all records of a public entity open to the public unless otherwise protected by law. Records can be requested by the media (television, newspaper, bloggers) and any other interested member of the public – including the defendant.
Under Marsy's Law, a victim has the right to prevent disclosure of information or records that reasonably could be used to locate or harass the victim or the victim's family, or which disclose confidential or privileged information about the victim, and the right to be notified of any request for such information.
You must assert your right in order to prevent disclosure of this information.
Your home address, telephone number(s), email address(es), or other information that could reasonably be used to locate you or a member of your family. This includes references to a building where you work.
Any information or records that are confidential or otherwise protected by law, such as medical records, driver's license number, social security number, etc.
Even if you assert your right, your name can still be released to the public, including the media, unless you are a victim of domestic violence, human trafficking, a sexual assault or other sex crime, or you are a minor.