Clerk of District Court

8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

(701) 377-2718

Mailing Address
PO Box 219
Bowbells, ND 58721


County Officials and employees, other than State’s Attorneys, are NOT permitted by law to:


Give legal advice to anyone

Discuss legal problems of a private nature

Prepare legal documents

We ask that you NOT request us to do so. If such service is needed, please contact a licensed attorney.

  • Certified Documents

    Certified documents are $10.00 for the first copy and $5.00 for every additional copy of the same document.

  • Traffic and Criminal

    The information contained on this website reflects factual information. The search results do not include restricted case information.

  • Indigent Defense Application

    Questions about this application? Please call the Burke County Clerk of Court office.

  • Legal Forms and Self Help

    For Example: Probates, Name Changes, Guardianships, Protection and Restraining Orders, Divorce…

  • Small Claims

    Small Claims is a less formal court process if you want to recover money in the amount of $15,000.00 or less. The decisions of the Judge or judicial referee is final.

Marriage License

  • $65.00 license fee (no credit cards accepted)

  • Both parties must be present

  • Both parties must provide a drivers license or some other valid photo identification

  • Marriage licenses are valid for 60 days only from the date of purchase

  • If either party has been divorced, you must purchase a certified copy of the most recent divorce decree by contacting the clerk of court’s office in the county in which you were divorced. This certified copy must be kept in our office with your marriage application.

  • You must be at least 18 years old to marry without parental consent. If a person is between 16 and 18 years old, a signed and notarized parental consent form is required. A license cannot be issued to any person below the age of 16.