Amie Vandegraft
Jayne Tetrault
Deputy Auditor
Ashlee Mercer
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Closed from noon to 12:30 for lunch
(701) 377-2861
Mailing Address
PO Box 310
Bowbells, ND 58721
Digitized Records
Burke County Mill Levies
Additional Information
If real estate taxes remain unpaid for three years, the Auditor serves a foreclosure notice, and the county becomes owner of the property on October 2nd of said year.
Gaming Forms
An organization recognized as a public-spirited organization by the governing body of a city or county may apply for a Local Permit to conduct only bingo, raffles, and sports pools to be conducted throughout the year, or may apply for a Restricted Event Permit to conduct a one-time gaming event where the organization may conduct only bingo, raffles, sports pools, poker, twenty-one, and paddlewheels. The organization applies for a local permit or restricted event permit with the City or County in which the conduct of the games will be occurring.
An organization may not have both a local permit and a restricted event permit at the same time.
Under a local permit or restricted event permit an organization may only award a primary prize that does not exceed $8,000 and total prizes of all games cannot exceed $40,000 per year. The prize cost is determined by the retail price even if the prize is donated.
If an organization’s prizes will exceed the primary prize limit of $8,000 and/or exceed the $40,000 maximum per year, the organization must apply for a State Gaming License.
All recordkeeping forms for state licensed organizations can be found on this site. The Office of Attorney General is currently in the process of updating the gaming forms to allow organizations to fill in details, auto-calculate, and edit from a computer. Some computers require additional set-up to view and use this updated format. We have attached a Guide For Updated Forms to help, should you receive a “Please Wait” message in place of the form on the screen. If this guide does not help or you encounter a different issue with the forms, please contact our office at (701) 328-4848.
N.D.C.C. 18-10
N.D.C.C. 57-15-32
N.D.C.C 11-28.3
N.D.C.C 57-15-32
N.D.C.C. 57-02-39
All Taxes & Specials have to be paid in full
You will be required to have a survey/plat completed if the legal description is not identifiable.
Applications, Licenses and Permits
Fireworks Display Application
Gaming Site Authorization
Alcohol License Application
Application for Local or Restricted Event Permit
Game and Fish Licenses
Employment Application