Recorders Office

  • Lynette Nelson


  • Jacquie Hoheisel


  • Joy Lucy


8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

(701) 377-2818

103 Main St SE
PO Box 219
Bowbells, ND 58721

County Officials and employees, other than State’s Attorneys, are NOT permitted by law to:


Give legal advice to anyone

Discuss legal problems of a private nature

Prepare legal documents

We ask that you NOT request us to do so. If such service is needed, please contact a licensed attorney.

Burke County Property Fraud
Alert Service

Property Fraud Alert is an online subscription service offered to the public that allows them to have their name monitored within the Recorder's office in order to track possible fraudulent recordings that affects their property. The threat of mortgage fraud and identity theft crimes continue to rise, and all too often victims of these types of fraudulent activities are unaware their homes or identity have been stolen. While Property Fraud Alert does not prevent fraud from happening; it provides an early warning system for property owners to take appropriate actions should they determine possible fraudulent activity has taken place.

It's simple! Just enter your personal and/or business name and you will be notified when a document is recorded with your name match.

Deed and Misc
1986 to Present

2004 to Present

3/3/2006 to Present

Corner Records
All on NDRIN

Vital Records

Birth Record
(701) 328-2360

Death Record
(701) 328-2360