Coming Events
December 11th–North Dakota Crop and Seed Improvement Association (NDCISA) Western Regional Meeting at the North Central Research & Extension Center in Minot. Register at:
NDSU Extension Crop Marketing Specialist Frayne Olson and NDSU Extension Ag Finance Specialist Bryon Parman will be featured speakers at the Lignite Community Center for an NDSU Extension program on December 19th beginning at 1:00 pm. Watch for more information.
2023 Yield Trials Available
What crops do you plan to grow in 2024? Most of the 2023 Variety Trial results from the North Central Research Extension Center at Minot are now available online at:
These include: HRSW, Durum, Barley, Oat, Field Pea, Soybean, Lupin, Lentil, Chickpea, and Spring Rye
If you are interested in a specific variety and want to know how it has done at other locations around the state in 2023 or previous years you can go to:
You will find an even wider list of crop variety trials from all over the state.